name. Rel McFly
sex. male
age. 22
location. Charlotte, NC
quick bio.College kid living big dreams in a small town.
personal style. James Dean meets Kanye West. lol hard ass question Jazz.
what inspires you in your music. Life. everything I say, really has happened somewhere, sometime.
idols. My mom...anybody who can deal with me this long is definatley commendable &my god mom miss amy...she keeps me grounded.....
music genre. Hip-Hop
what made you start doing rapping . My step dad was a rapper years ago, and since he was the closest thing to a dad I ever had I wanted to be just like him...I used to steal his rhyme books and everything...he was so fuggin cool man.
favorite musical artist. honestly, I like to hear my homies Jimmy Kelso and Lute... Jimmy is like a rich ass hipster always talking that fly shit, and lute is simply amazing, his flow and delivery is unheard of...
describe your favorite song you have done. my favorite song ive done so far is "Encore" i only did the chorus on that one..but Jimmy and Lute said way more than I could have ever thought up.
Any other talents. Im really into designing fashion, im a fashion school dropout lol..but if rap doesnt work out thats definately the next avenue....and im also a Jedi.
what do you expect to bring to the music industry. Just a bunch of honesty...alot of rappers lie about what they do; not me, im just trying to be me at all if you dig my music, you dig me as a person.
what kind of work have you done so far, as far as mixtapes, singles, and shows. Ive done a couple shows, because im such a perfectionist im STILL working on my first mixtape....but it will be dope as hell whenever it comes...
who would be in your dream track. Id prolly end up doing the hook on this one lol.. but Biggie, Jay, Nas, Blu and Raekwon with Dilla on the beat.
how would others describe your work. people respect my honesty alot, so i get alot of praise from that.
advice for other artist on the come up. and to all other rappers just make sure your music means something, money comes and goes, but wisdom remains.

words for your competition. as far as competition goes.....GOOD LUCK
personal quote. "Everyone wants to be somebody, but somebody has to be nobody"
whats on your ipod its mainly westcoast shit right now their going pretty hard....tons of Big sean, Blu, Cudi, Kanye, and all the rest is old school classic 90's hip-hop like wu-tang, and pharcyde.
webpage. were still working on the site so for now im just tweeting alot, CLICK LINK-->
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