when you think thrift store alot of people think tack, anti-fashion, or CHEAP. well one out of 3 isnt bad... lol. a REAL
vintage lover and TRUE fashionista knows that a thrift store is your bestfriend. if you have a keen eye for style you wouldnt have a problem. not only is thrift store shopping a great way to find one of a kind vintage items, but another way to stay eco-friendly. and after all we all need to go green!! checkout some vintages items found in thrift stores(yes
everything your about to see came from a thrift store)rocked by everyday people (all under $20)...

here are some of my thrift store shopping tips...
1.choose a GOOD location in a good neighborhood
2.look for items hard to find in stores but often seen on runrays (for example shoulder pads or unique sleeves)
3. look for name brands and unique textures to guarantee quality
*checkout one of the BEST THRIFT STORES known to
celebrities-->> http://www.buffaloexchange.com
1 comment:
I LOVED the Buffalo Exchange when I was living in L.A.! Also Wasteland and Thank U Mart. I can only go thrift store shopping with friends who can appreciate it. Otherwise, these heffas will get a nose up and dismiss every fab item I find. Yet, when I wear them and they don't know I got it thriftin', they think it's the bees knees:-D
Thrift stores in downtown Salt Lake are kinda corny most days, but I can always walk out with a killer top or purse, cuz these people think Express and American Eagle is the fashion standard (???????????)
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