if you havent heard there is a new BADD BXTCH in town!! you may know her as Lola Monroe... or Angel Lola Luv. either way she's hott!! with the release of two, yes TWO mixtapes she is quickly jumping o the music scene. now i have been a fan of miss monroes modeling work... but now as an artist, i'm even more in love with her. not to "diss" nicki, i love nicki minaj, but i love how she isnt a "BARBIE" she keeps it 100 and thats what music fans love, not to mention her Flo (formly known as swagg) is bananas!!
"Born in Ethiopia, but brought up in Garfield Terrace in Uptown Washington DC, Lola is a mix of Ethiopian and Trinidadian (woot woot). From her body language to her attitude, strength, demeanor and humble attitude she undeniably has what it takes to make it to the top of the Entertainment Industry." (lola-luv.net)
so I'm TELLING you go cop the mixtapes; the untouchables- realeased december 2009 and the art of motivation-october 2009

download untouchables here-->>(copy and paste)http://www.zshare.net/download/705962810e82443b/
download the art of motivation here-->>(copy and paste)http://www.zshare.net/download/665132814b13dee3/
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